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Why Do You Take Linux Certification Training in Cyprus?

· Linux,Linux Training,Linux Training Cypru
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LPIC-1 is the world’s largest and most highly recognized Linux certification course. This is the first certification in the multi-level Linux professional certification program provided by the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). The LPIC-1 certification validates the ability of candidates to handle maintenance tasks on the command line, install and configure Linux operating computers as well as configure basic networking. 

Typically, the LPIC-1 is designed to reflect the latest research and validate a candidate’s knowledge in real-world system administration. Its main objective is to connect to the real world job skills which will be determined through job task analysis surveying during exam development.

Currently, Linux adoption is continuously increasing among individual users, government bodies and industries ranging from automotive to space discovery embracing the open-source technologies. The open-source expansion in any organization redefines the traditional Information and Communication Technology (ITC) job roles that need more skills on Linux. 

Whether you’re looking for an open-source career opportunity or seeking further advancement, verifying your skill set independently can help you stand out to your management team or recruitment managers. Getting the Linux LPIC certificate works like an introduction to the more complete and advanced Linux Professional certification. That’s why taking Linux training in Cyprus is significant.

The Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1 certificate helps you understand the followings:

FOSS, the different communities, and licenses 

Open-source applications in the workstation as they relate to source equivalents closely

Basic knowledge of hardware, processes, programs and components of the Linux Operating System

The processes to work on the command line and with files

Know how to create and restore compressed backups and achieves

System security, users or groups and file permissions for both public and private directories 

Know how to create and run simple scripts

What are the curriculums of this Linux training course?

When you join this course, you will learn the following things:

Working with Linux and open-source software applications

Management of Linux installation and boot up

Management of Linux environments 

Working with Linux software package mangers 

Knowing the command line syntax patterns 

Finding the system help 

Working with the Linux file system 

Management of network connectivity and remote sessions

Monitoring and controlling system processes and users 

Working with object permissions 

Working with the Bash scripts 

Keeping your Linux infrastructure secure 

Knowing the basics of container virtualization including Docker 

Building different application servers

Bottom Line –

At SCP Academy, we specialize in providing Linux training in Cyprus including the Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1 certification. Whatever IT certification course you opt for, you will get yourself trained through SCP Academy. For more information about our Linux certification training courses, please contact us as soon as possible at 70008828 or